Our Purpose
We support the NHS in achieving and maintaining accurate waiting lists, maximising the NHS’s ability to provide the best possible patient care, empowering NHS staff and ensuring their tremendous effort and contribution to our NHS is not jeopardised by inaccurate data.
Our Experience
The most accomplished provider of waiting list validation to the NHS
Trusts provided with validation support
Projects successfully delivered
Records validated
NHSEI national validation programmes delivered
NHS Trusts provided with RTT training
PAS systems utilised when validating
How we support the NHS
Freeing clinical capacity & Trust spend
By ensuring clinic slots are not utilised on appointments of limited clinical value
Facilitating informed operational decision making
By ensuring decisions are informed by accurate waiting lists
Ensuring patient safety
By finding ‘lost’ patients
Assisting in the achievement of your core targets
By removing waiting list inflation and correcting inaccuracies that negatively skew the Trusts performance
Supporting prioritisation
By identifying patients who need to be seen most urgently
Providing confidence, assurance, and peace of mind on the safety of your patients
Our Methodology
We identify patients that require the Trust’s attention, be these patients at potential risk of clinical harm, records that can be removed from the waiting list, or records that require a correction.
We validate the records identified utilising our Clear PTL validation management software, collecting information on all validation findings and outcomes to provide insights into the root causes of the data quality issues.
We use the intelligence provided through the validation activity to address the root cause issues so that they can be rectified, preventing recurrence and ensuring sustained improvements.
“Whilst overseeing the National Data Quality Programme, it was a pleasure to work with the Source Group team to maximise the impact of using Clear PTL and agree an oversight framework to support priority pathways being validated. Holding weekly check-in meetings ensured that we were able to take stock and understand our position against baseline, and variation from where we intended to be. Given the history that Source Group has with the NHS and validation, they have significant insight and therefore are very helpful for modelling impact. We procured validation staff that were trained to a high level, with supporting quality assurance measures, with agreed levels of validations to be done per day, again which we were able to track. The programme identified operational issues that otherwise would not be visible, including poorer rates of clinics being cashed up since the pandemic and the impact this has on the non-admitted position. Overall an excellent team and I do not hesitate in recommending them.”
Daniel de Rozarieux
Emergency and Elective Director of Operations and Performance
NHS Improvement